
昭和女子大学 金子朝子
湘南工科大学 Don Maybin
C 今日のお勧め料理
Step 1 2人のペアーで接客係と客の役割を決め、それぞれの課題だけを読もう。
接客係: |
The owner of the restaurant told you to sell as many
of Today's Special as possible. Although Today's Special
is not cheap, it's delicious. |
客: |
You have only 15 dollars in cash today. You don't have
a credit card either. You are very hungry and you'd like
to have as many dishes as you can with your 15 dollars. |
Step 2 メニューを見ながら、接客係は客から注文をとり
Today's Special を勧める表現を練習しよう。客はメニューの中から何を注文するかを決め、注文する表現を練習しよう。
接客係: |
What would you like to have today?
Anything else?
How about Today's Special?
It's jumbo fried-shrimp.
Today's Special is an excellent dish. |
客: |
I'm still thinking. / I'd like to have ( ).
That's all.
What's Today's Special?
I'd rather have ( ).
It's very (a little) expensive. |
Salad $3.50
French Fries $3.00
Mashed Potatoes $2.80
Onion Rings $2.50
Special $14.00
Curry & Rice $ 7.30
Beef Stew $10.00
Hamburger $ 5.70
Seafood Gratin $ 7.50
Special Pizza $ 6.80
Cheese Sandwich $ 5.90
Orange Juice $1.20
Coffee $1.50
Tea $1.00
Milk $1.10
Ice Cream $1.50 |
Step 3 それぞれの役割をもう一度確認して対話しよう。
言語の使用場面と働き |
創作的なコミュニケーションの場面:気持ちを伝える、相手の行動を促す |
語句 |
メニューに書かれている料理名 in cash as many 〜 as possible |
表現 |
How about 〜? I'm still thinking. I'd like to have 〜.
I'd rather have 〜. |
